Forum Member Cheat Sheet

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Last updated June 2014

Thanks to Julian and Joe for the cool Muppet Hugging photos!


Jan 2005

Age: 20

Location: Amissville, VA

Live with: My mom and my two cats Kozmo and Toby.

Job/Passion: My passion at the moment is photography. I’m working on the job part, just you wait!

Earliest Muppet Memory: Getting a Miss Piggy toothbrush. Then watching Great Muppet Caper so much that my grandpa memorized it.

Favorite Muppet: Kermit will always be number one. Then Grover, Janice, and Pops.

Sep 2013

Birthday: December 30, 1984

Location: Fulton, MO

Live With: My wife Rosalynn and our dog Cantus, both of whom share their names with Muppets.

Job/Passion: Middle school librarian/Middle school librarian

Earliest Muppet Memory: When I was four years old, my babysitter Julie and I would always use the boring book reviews during Reading Rainbow to guess who was going to say, “Hi! Welcome to Sesame Street.” Because that was about five minutes before Sesame Street actually started.

Favorite Muppet: Ernie. Sometimes my imagination makes more sense than real life too.

Favorite Newhart: Bob

May 2006

Age: 21

Location: Heidelberg, Germany

Live with: Exploding socks

Job/Passion: German student

Earliest Muppet Memory: My mom put The Great Muppet Caper on TV to distract me while she dug a splinter out of my hand with a needle.

Favorite Muppet: Robin and Sweetums

June 2014

Birthday: February 14th

Location: Portland, OR

Live With: Too many cats

Job/Passion: Funemployed

Earliest Muppet Memory: Loving the Cookie Monster stuffed animal my babysitter made for me

Favorite Muppet: Varies, so I’ll just say Kermit

JHH Oceans Kermit monitorsCathy
Jan 2005

Age: Closer to 30 than 20

Location: Long Island, the official home of big hair and bad accents.

Live with: The harsh reality that I’ll probably never get that pony I’ve always wanted.

Job/Passion: My job is book related. I’m still working on figuring out my passion, but I know it has nothing to do with selling or buying things. Unless those things are Muppet related.

Earliest Muppet Memory: Probably being scared silly by the Phantom of the Muppet Theater. (He still gives me the creeps.) Or sitting in the movie theater balcony watching The Muppet Movie for the first time. Oh yeah, and carrying my prized possession on my first day of school… my Pigs in Space lunchbox. So many to choose from. Good times.

Favorite Muppet: Rowlf. I’ve always had a thing for musicians.

Ceris Thomas

Birthday: December 5, 19fkhkhiufbdj
Location: London, Ontario, Canada

Live With:
 Husband – Brock, Cat – Willow, and three fish – Jimmy Jim Jimmy Jim Jim Jim Jim, Frank and Rygel

Drama/Dance/Vocal Teacher…. Passion – Theatre/Puppets/Creating wonderful things with wonderful people and constantly learning.

Earliest Muppet Memory: 
It’s Not Easy Being Green, SUP-er Grover, Ernie’s snicker and Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! (with the wavy green arms)

Favorite Muppet: 
Muppet Show – Kermit & Gonzo/ Sesame Street – Ernie & Grover, Fraggle Rock – Wembley
Super Grover

Sep 2013

Birthday: July 25 1998

Location: North Carolina
Live With: Mother, sister, and a dog who my mom thinks resembles Rowlf. I don’t see it.
Jobs/Passions: I like Muppets……. and ponies……. and hawthorne wipes…… and analrapy…… and other stuff….
Earliest Muppet Memory: I was in the hospital for a rather long time after my birth. My mother says she painted Ernie and Bert on my room’s walls, but I don’t remember that. So…. watching Sesame Street, I guess?
Favorite Muppets: From The Muppet Show, Gonzo. Sesame Street, Grover. Fraggle Rock, Wembley.
Favorite Gordon: Shumway

Fraggle Rock S03E13 Scared Silly - Pix3

Apr 2009

Birthday: 3/22 (age 34)

Location: Boston

Job/Passion: Publishing

Earliest Muppet Memory: Getting my first FP Kermit for Christmas 1978?

Favorite Muppet: Scooter or Janice

Earliest Muppet Memory: Three years old, listening to Sesame Street records.

Jan 2005

Age: A quarter century

Location: Madison, WI

Live with: Ol’ buddy Pat

Job/Passion: Currently, I’m an office manager for an overpriced apartment complex. It makes me feel dirty. My majors were Theater and Art. I’ve also been learning web design and flash animation, and I hope to have a few toons ready soon. We’ll see.

Earliest Muppet Memory: I have a crude Kermit drawing that I made as a two year old. It’s great. Big circle head, crosses for pupils and triangles around his neck. I will also never forget receiving my first Kermit for Christmas. It was the Fisher Price reporter Kermit. Kick ass.

Favorite Muppet: I will always have a certain kinship with Kermit as we both serve the same purpose in life in our respective theater companies, as well as share a very similar outlook on life. It’s an outlook I credit to Jim’s work, as he was kind of a fantasy father figure for me growing up, as I imagine he was for so many of us here. His characters have a very special place with me; Kermit, Rowlf and Ernie especially. I think it’s their purity of self. I also have a deep respect for Gonzo and his soulful brand of self-exploration, and willingness to humiliate himself in the name of his art.

May 2006

Age: 35 years old

Location: Just outside of Philadelphia, PA

Live with: My partner Ed, my cats Darwin, Natalie, and Samantha, and my monkeys Punkimonkey and Mooch. It’s a lively household.

Job/Passion: Between gigs

Earliest Muppet Memory: Three years old — being given a Cookie Monster doll for Chanukah that was as big as I was, and being totally excited about it.

Favorite Muppet: Miss Piggy

Website: Tough Pigs


May 2013

Age: 14

Location: New Jers-ay

Live With:
My mama and our three kitties

Reading and music and cool stuff..

Earliest Muppet Memory:
Probably watching Sesame Street with my mom.

Favorite Muppet:
Hard to choose. Rowlf, Statler and Waldorf, Bunsen and Beaker, Barkley, Doozers, Electric Mayhem, uh…singing food..


Jan 2005

Age: Twenty and Still Counting.

Location: Sometimes in a house in Ottawa, Ontario; sometimes in a dorm room in Sackville, New Brunswick. Sackville is better.

Live with: In Ottawa, with my parents. In Sackville, I’m in a single room “with all my many friends right there outside my door,” as Tutter would say.

Job/Passion: Studying biology in university. Thought about careers in science, science journalism, puppetry, set design, housing development, environmental education, subsistence fishing, and a million other things.

Earliest Muppet Memory: Vague snippets from the original run of Fraggle Rock on CBC.

Favorite Muppet: It changes all the time, but Grover’s definitely near the top of my list. You can’t not love Grover. (Some of my friends say I am Grover.)



Jan 2005

Age: 21

Location: Sunnyvale, CA

Live with: Myself, a refrigerator, a stove, a few tables, a computer, a sofa, a bed, some lamps (including a lava lamp), a dry-erase board, a filing cabinet, 3 VCR’s, a TV, a DVD player, a DVD recorder, and some 600-odd VHS tapes.

Job/Passion: Student / aspiring animator (wish I had the opportunity).

Earliest Muppet Memory: Listening to the Great Muppet Caper LP (and several Sesame Street LP’s)… watching Sesame Street on a small B&W TV, before we switched to the big color one… renting the Playhouse Muppet Show videos and the Fraggle Rock HBO videos.

Favorite Muppet: Hard to choose… Cookie Monster (especially the way he looked in the first two seasons — what a cute mouth!)… and Boober Fraggle, because just like him, I have Asperger’s, but I also have a “fun side” that I keep on the bottom.

Isha Red Fraggle MuppetHuggingIsha
May 2013

Age: 23

Location: Virgina

Live With: The Army Guy, our son, a little dog, and a 13 year old rabbit.

Job/Passion: Homemaker

Earliest Muppet Memory: A cookie monster doll with a shirt and eyes that were excellent to chew.

Favorite Muppet: Cantus

Cantus Gobo

Apr 2009

Birthday: Aug. 22, 1984

Location: MN

Job/Passion: Not-so-starving artist

Earliest Muppet Memory: Put Down the Duckie

Favorite Muppet: Hoots (see above)

Useless Superpower: Reading subliminal messages


Age: 33 years old

Location: Central Jersey Shore

Live with: I live with my four-year-old daughter Emileigh and our small, brown rabbit Chatter.

Job/Passion: I am an Art teacher at Catholic school. I teach grades K-8.

Earliest Muppet Memory: My first memory is receiving the original cast SS album as a Christmas gift when I was four. I listened to it under the Christmas tree while staring at the twinkling lights and desperately wanted to move to SS immediately.

Favorite Muppet: My favorite Muppets are all SS characters — Bert, Telly, Prairie Dawn, Grover, you know, all of them.

Apr 2009

Birthday: Jan 1, 1982

Location: Brooklyn, New York, Outer Space

Job/Passion: I write about Muppets every day for free.

Earliest Muppet Memory: I’m pretty sure I watched Sesame Street in the womb. Oh, my poor mother!

Favorite Muppet: It’s a tie between Cookie Monster and Rowlf the Dog. So… Cookie the Dog? Rowlfie Monster?

Favorite Ninja Turtle: Donatello (he does machines!)


Apr 2009

Birthday: Feb 3rd, 1983

Location: Haarlem, The Netherlands

Live with: Myself

Job/Passion: Puppeteer (stage & television)

Earliest Muppet Memory: Dad playing a record and telling me, “Know who this is? It’s the English Kermit!” That song was the Rainbow Connection. He gave me the sleeve of the Muppet Movie record and I just gazed at the pictures while listening to the music.

Favorite Muppet: Rowlf. Also Scooter, Grover, Wembley and of course Kermit. And there’s this cowardly rabbit reporter on the Dutch Sesamstraat that I’m particularly fond of.

Things I dig besides Muppets: Taoism; Arlo Guthrie; making music (piano, harmonica, tenor banjo, uke); writing journals; coffee

Julia Kermit hatJulia
May 2013

Age: 22

Location: About to go travel about New Zealand for a year! (Otherwise, Oregon.)

Live With:
My laptop

Writing, theatre, and photography

Earliest Muppet Memory:
Throwing myself onto the living room floor and screaming “TAXI!”

Favorite Muppet:
The Great Gonzo


Justin T
May 2013

Age: 24

Location: The Big Easy

Job/Passion: Teacher

Earliest Muppet Memory: Watching reruns of The Muppet Show with my family

Favorite Muppet: Rowlf

May you always Rowlf

Jan 2005

Age: 31

Location: Washington, DC

Live with: My husband and two cats

Job/Passion: I work at the Chronicle of Higher Education, which is a weekly newspaper for college professors and administrators. I write stuff for the website, which means I get to sit on the tech side of the building with all the fun nerds who understand my Star Trek jokes.

Earliest Muppet Memory: My mom says she put me in front of Sesame Street in my car carrier before I was old enough to sit up by myself. But my first clear fan memory is of watching the opening to The Muppet Show and being so excited to see what would happen when Gonzo tried to blow the horn.

Favorite Muppet: Boober

May 2013

Age: A little older than Sesame Street

Location: Disneyland

Live With: Family members and a bunch of Muppets

Job/Passion: Clerical/Music. One pays for the other.

Earliest Muppet Memory: Listening to the very first Sesame Street LP over and over. (Oh wait, that was last week!)

Favorite Muppets: Ernie and Bert


May 2013

Age: Old enough to know better, young enough not to care.

Location: Atlanta, GA

Passion: Fan art, fanfic, and building puppets

Earliest Muppet Memory: Sesame Street. It premiered when I was one, so I was watching it from the very beginning. Oops, crap, now you know how old I am.

Favorite Muppet: The Great Gonzo


June 2004

Hey kids. My name is Kynan and I’m an Australian.

Age: I’m 25 human years old, with the heart and energy of a newborn 24 year old.

Location: “Dear Nephew Gobo. I am investigating a part of outer space called Australia. It’s a beautiful place where the silly creatures are even sillier than usual. They cook themselves in the sun. They even paint their food red before they eat it! But the silliest thing of all is that they’re always throwing things on the ground. How long do they think this land will stay beautiful? Sometimes I wish I were back with all you sensible Fraggles in Fraggle Rock.” — This Uncle Travelling Matt PSA, circa mid-80’s, tells you all you need to know about the place I call home.

I just surprised myself by remembering that verbatim. What ELSE is still floating round in my head from the 80’s?

Live with: My 26-year-old housemate Jessica and my 5-month-old housemate Aidan. Jessica is Aidan’s mum, and I’m just the goofy guy who makes faces all day long.

Job/Passion: I write for a variety/comedy show called Rove Live and a sketch comedy show called Skithouse. This week alone, I helped conceive approximately 5 minutes of quality monkey-based entertainment. When I’m not writing for moderately successful TV shows, I’m creating my own unsuccessful TV projects and breakin’ hearts.

Earliest Muppet Memory: A behind-the-scenes story on The Muppet Show on 60 minutes. (It screened on the Australian 60 Minutes, but I don’t know whether this was the original US 60 Minutes story, or a separate Aussie version.) For some reason, my young self came away with the impression that the microphone mouth-pieces carved into character shapes actually turned the performers’ voices into the characters’ voices.

This wasn’t my watershed moment, it’s just the earliest thing I remember.

Favorite Muppet: What, you want me to choose between my own children?

Website: rove [live]

Sep 2013

Birthday: May 27, 1985

Location: Fayetteville, NC

Live with: My parents.

Job/Passion: Student/Acting

Earliest Muppet Memory: Earliest Muppet Memory: Watching Sesame Street and looking for Fraggle holes in old relatives’ houses with my brother. Sneaking past my bedtime to watch “The Jim Henson Hour” episode “The Secret of the Muppets” and falling in love with Steve Whitmire.

Favorite Muppet: Gonzo, Rizzo, Bean, Kermit, Gobo, Digit, Wembley, Boober, Scooter… Oh hell, all of ’em ever made.

Favorite Tom Hanks role: Uncle Ned in “Family Ties”

Macy ZootMacy
June 2014

Birthday: August 11th, 1995

Location: Oklahoma (where the wind comes sweeping down the plains)

Live With: My parents, four younger siblings, two dogs, and a bunch of chickens (who unfortunately can’t sing).

Job/Passion: I just graduated from highschool, and I’m taking a year off before college. My passions are music (which I’m hoping to turn into a career), volunteering, and fandoming.

Earliest Muppet Memory: For my second birthday, my mom made me a Big Bird cake. I also remember being terrified of my Tickle Me Big Bird.

Favorite Muppet: Gonzo!


Apr 2009

Birthday: March 11, 1992

Location: Suburban Maryland

Job/Passion: Intern at a puppet company and student. Passion is more film performance and editing related than what I’m doing at the internship, but building puppets is pretty nice, too.

Earliest Muppet Memory: When I was four, I was playing Detective Barbie, and there was a really long and boring cutscene, so I rolled over in the chair to my parents’ bookshelf and started flipping through The Works. Saw the Harry Belafonte episode a year or two later. There was probably some Sesame stuff going on before that, though.

Favorite Muppet: Gonzo, The Muppaphone, and Emmett Otter, specifically in that outtake when he was like “My feet are stapled”.

Sep 2013

Birthday: August 1, 1970, but I’m really still lurking somewhere around 10 years old.

Location: Massachusetts, northwest of Boston.

Live with: My husband, and two little boys

Job/Passion: Mummy to my boys, which qualifies as both job and passion.  Cooking and knitting fit in somewhere in the passion category, too.

Earliest Muppet Memory: Watching Sesame Street when Oscar was still orange.

Favorite Muppet: Tough choice… Grover is a longtime fave, followed closely in no particular order by Kermit, Ernie and Bert, and Cookie.

Random Fact about Me: My car’s license plate is “MUPPET.”

Mary Catherine
Apr 2009

Birthday: February 9, 1988

Location: Albany, NY, formerly Milwaukee, WI. I often feel like the Midwest’s ambassador to upstate New York, considering the number of people I’ve met here who haven’t been farther west than Buffalo.

Job/Passion: Working with kids in any/all capacities, for any/all money. But mostly for the joy of teaching them and having them teach me.

Earliest Muppet Memory: Watching Muppet Babies with my brothers

Favorite Muppet: Gonzo is truly the greatest in my book, but Ernie, Wembley, Sherlock Hemlock, and Red are favorites, too.

Random Fact about Me: I am virtually unbeatable at Boggle, but have never won a game of Scrabble.

Matthew Soberman
May 2013

Age: 22 right now, but it tends to change from year to year

Location: Long Island, NY

Live With: Sports Memorabilia, Disneyana, and a boatload of Muppet Stuff (not the store)

Job/Passion: Comedy, Writing, and Acting

Earliest Muppet Memory: Carrying my Super Grover plush into surgery with me when I was 5. (I still have it, by the way.)

Favorite Muppet: I’ve always loved the trinity of Kermit the Frog, Fozzie Bear, and The Great Gonzo.


Meagan and WalterMeagan
Sep 2013

Birthday: April 22, 1995

Location: The Magical Midwest

Live with: Currently, my roommate who is a real-life Disney princess. Otherwise, my parents, older sister, dog, and two turtles

Job/Passion: Office Assistant/ art, film, never working in an office again

Earliest Muppet Memory: Watching a recorded tape version of “The Jim Henson Story” with my dad, being mesmerized by “Let Me Be Your Song”

Favorite Muppet: Floyd Pepper, Boober Fraggle, The Amazing Mumford and his disappearing pineapples

Mumford Pineapples

Jan 2005

Age: Near geezerhood: 21.

Location: New York City, the second floor. When I get hungry I either go to New Jersey or Long Island.

Live with: The beautiful, the indefatigable, the exceedingly talented and high-strung Tamar.

Job/Passion: Someday I plan to sing, dance, and make people happy. Right now I’m studying dance and anthropology, which keeps me out of trouble. I also like to eat.

Earliest Muppet Memory: My sister and I had a tape with a bunch of Muppet Show episodes that we used to watch, over and over again, on our scratchy old orange couch in the den of our old house. Said videocassette, along with the VCR it was in at the time, got stolen one day when we weren’t home. We also had that little footstool with Ernie on one side and Bert on the other, which we would stand on to brush our teeth before we became tall enough to reach the sink.

Favorite Muppet: Statler and Waldorf amuse me to no end, so they’re my favorite old fools to watch. Kermit, however, is my Frog in Shining Armor.

June 2004

Age: 23 years young

Location: Texas

Live with: My family

Job/Passion: Student at community college

Earliest Muppet Memory: Going with my dad to a 7pm showing of Muppet Treasure Island

Favorite Muppet: From the old group, Gonzo. From the new group, Johnny Fiama and Sal.


Apr 2009

Birthday: May 5th, same as Karl Marx.

Location: Pikesville, MD (Baltimore County)

Job/Passion: Former Baker, Aspiring comedic writer

Earliest Muppet Memory: The Brooke Shields episode of the Muppet show. Technically, before that I used to have elaborate dreams about the Pinball sequence from Sesame Street, but that really isn’t Muppet related.

Favorite Muppet: Wembley Fraggle.

Fun Facts: I possess a hairless dog who is often compared to a Muppet by people meeting her for the first time. I am a passionate Rush fan (the righteous Canadian dudes, not the horrible fat guy). I thank my family for nurturing my Muppet fandom.

March 2005

Age: 30

Location: The Netherlands

Live with: My dearest wife, and my two cats

Job/Passion: I work with children, and that’s great — although I like Sesame Street more than they do. But they’re all happy when I bring my own Cookie Monster with me to work!

Earliest Muppet Memory: I remember the very first Sesamstraat. I remember Troel, and it was very annoying that I was the only one in my environment to remember that Muppet. Until I started to make my homepage and found evidence, others believe there was a white dog in it!

Favorite Muppet: Pino and Grover

Peter P
Jan 2005

Alias: Panagiotis Pantelis Papazoglou

Age: 24

Location: New York City

Live with: Always: roommates Mark and Jon. Sometimes: Jon’s brother, Doug, their two employees, and Jon’s girlfriend, Rachel.

Job/Passion: Assistant project manager for a general contractor / writing and directing for the theater. I’m hoping to start doing less of the former and more of the latter.

Earliest Muppet Memory: I went through a phase when I was about two years old where I called absolutely everyone Ernie.

Favorite Muppet: Sesame Street: Grover; The Muppet Show – Kermit; Fraggle Rock – Boober.

Peter S
Apr 2009

Birthday: May 2nd 1974

Location (in the physical world): Melbourne Australia

Job/Passion: Illustration/Storyboard/Concept Art/Screenwriting/Directing

Earliest Muppet Memory: Kermit in front of that famous red curtain. It was always an invitation into ‘a warmth and an embrace’ (thanks, Mr Belafonte) that expanded the worlds in my mind and the possibilities of life.

Favourite Muppet: The Swine Divine! That Mademoiselle Cochon! MISS PIGGY!

Random Fragment: I grew up making puppets, and my parents even funded a Miss Piggy building project for my 12th birthday… And I don’t like watermellon… Tastes like a popsicle with sand in it.

Apr 2009

Birthdate: June 12, 1973

Location: Salt Lake City, UT

Live with: My wife Melissa, big-headed sons Miles and Carter. Oh, and Rubber Duckie.

Job/Passion: I’ve been teaching history to seventh graders for five years and love it. Teaching is my passion, but I’m pretty easily obsessed with anything that comes my way.

Earliest Muppet Memory: Wondering how Kermit could draw shapes and letters in the air with his finger on Sesame Street.

Favorite Muppet: Kermit is my hero–what I aspire to be. But Gonzo is my brother, and may be closer to who I really am.

Random Factoid: I can’t hold cotton balls between my thumb and forefinger without having a minor seizure.

June 2014

Birthday: 24th February

Location: Dublin, Ireland

Lives With: Another 34 years left on my mortgage

Job: Works at Old Library Trinity College

Earliest Muppet memory: Watching repeats of The Muppet Show on Saturday afternoons with my family

Favourite Muppet: The Great Gonzo


May 2013

Age: I was born on February 26th 1982, I’ll let you do the math.

Location: Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada

Live With: 1 husband and 3 children

Job/Passion: I have a passion for singing along to music and dancing in the kitchen with my kids.

Earliest Muppet Memory: I cannot remember a time when I didn’t know who the Muppets were. I’m sure Sesame Street was a part of my life right from the beginning.

Favourite Muppet: Grover, Kermit and Wembley.


Ryan M
Apr 2009

Birthday: May 8, 1985- 99 years to the date after the invention of Coca-Cola. This must mean something, but I don’t know what.

Location: Bloomingdale, New Jersey. Northwest of New York City, and hometown of no one of interest- but kinda near the hometown of Bucky Dent and the Jonas Brothers, two names always closely linked to each other.

Job/Passion: Cashier at a supermarket in Pompton Lakes, NJ. That’s my job, not my passion. My passion is whatever I’m doing at the moment- I assume.

Earliest Muppet Memory: Watching Sesame Street as a very young fellow sitting in a drawer next to the television set. This memory is so early, I don’t even remember it myself- were it not for photographic evidence and my mother’s recollection, I would not even have an Earliest Muppet Memory.

Favorite Muppet: The Swedish Chef- partially because I enjoy imitating him.

Favorite Muppet Memory: Watching nearly 1,000 people old and young laughing at the “Oklahoma” sketch at the Sesame Street at 40 panel in Wayne, New Jersey and laughing along with them- a true testament to the Muppets’ intergenerational appeal and the genius of Jim Henson and his team.

Ryan R
June 2014

Birthday: February 27

Location: On the couch. In my apartment. Which is in Brooklyn, New York.

Live with: Staci and Munchy.  One of those is a dog and one is a human.

Job/Passion: I’m an office administrator-y guy for an audio visual company in Queens, but writing stuff is where it’s at.

Earliest Muppet Memory: The earliest Muppet memory I can pull out of the dark bowels of my mind (gross) is sitting on the floor watching Sesame Street, with the Honkers doing “Honk Around the Clock.”

Favorite Muppet: All the funny ones.

Double-jointed thumbs: One.

Website: Tough PigsRyan Watches 50 Movies


Apr 2009

Birthday: May 14, 1978

Location: North of Boston, MA

Job/Passion: I’m a dad.

Earliest Muppet Memory: The Muppet Movie has been sewn into the fabric of my being as far back as I can remember. Ditto the 1979 record album, John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together.

Favorite Muppet: Kermit

The Universe: Doesn’t owe you anything.

June 2004

Name: Chris Smigliano

Age: 41 (I’m the old fart while everyone else is so young and cute)

Location: Salem, MA (You call THAT living?)

Live with: Nobody. (Alone… always alone…)

Job/Passion: Semi-employed freelance cartoonist

Earliest Muppet Memory: Sesame Street every day after Kindergarten. (1969!)

Favorite Muppet: Beaker

Sep 2013

Birthday: July 22, 1981

Location: Brooklyn, NY

Live With: My dog Munchy (also known as The Teeny Little Super Flopsy Guy) and a man (or is he a Muppet?) who co-runs a fan site for Muppet fans who grew up.

Job/Passion: Learning consultant/puppet-musical writer.

Earliest Muppet Memory: I clearly remember being in my crib, turning the cardboard pages of Grover’s Kitten.

Favorite Muppet: Sam. I understand his internal need for order and structure. And “Tit Willow” is a ridiculous refrain.

Favorite Anthony: Strand (whose favorite Anthony is probably Head).


June 2004

Age: 29

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Live with: A couple of roommates in an apartment — we’re all guys, so the place is never clean!

Job/Passion: My passion is to one day write for TV and film, some of which may or may not be monkey-based entertainment.

Earliest Muppet Memory: Either getting the Sesame Street playhouse and all the Fisher-Price figures or the Muppets Comic Printer for Christmas. Not sure how much of this is memory and how much is just from seeing the photos and home movies.

Favorite Muppet: Gosh, how do I choose? Kermit, Gonzo, Ernie, Fozzie, and Rowlf are all funny and soulful characters. Pepe’s on his way up — I can’t believe no one’s listed him yet! For pure “gag” characters, nothing beats the Chef, the Newsman, or Sesame’s yip-yip aliens.

August 2003

Age: 20

Location: Buffalo, NY

Live with: Mom, Stepdad Sal, younger brother, and female cat named Boots

Job/Passion: Working at a pizza place for now. I’m in college. Passions are Muppets, cartoons, bike riding, going to parks, animals, drawing, video games, and doing weird things.

Earliest Muppet Memory: Playing with my older brother’s Kermit and Rowlf stick puppets while watching The Muppet Show at my grandparents’ house.

Favorite Muppet: Rowlf the Dog, as well as Kermit the Frog and Fozzie Bear.

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