Doozer Dolls Work Their Cares Away

Published: November 13, 2012
Categories: News

If I had my way, I would have a hundred Doozer toys scattered throughout my apartment, as if they were constantly building things in my home.  I’d also have a giant flat screen TV in the bathroom, but the Doozer thing would come first.

Thanks to FAO Schwarz, my dream is slightly closer to reality.  They’re now offering three brand new Doozer plush, which are about 8″ high and will cost you $14.99 each.  The little workers come in three flavors:

Click on those links above or visit your local FAO Schwarz to buy your own Doozers, and maybe strategically place them around your house!

Click here to save dancing for another day on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes –

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