Miss Piggy Gets Desperate

Published: September 2, 2010
Categories: News

The sixth season of Desperate Housewives is coming to DVD later this month, and who likes sixth seasons more than Miss Piggy? Why, she loves those sixth seasons so much, she’s got her very own special features on the DVD set! Now that’s dedication!

Check out the vids right here (which may or may not be complete) while they last on YouTube!

And if that didn’t sate your Desperate Housewives cravings, you can also watch the DH teaser for Muppets Wizard of Oz as well as DH’s Sesame Street parody right here:

Desperate Housewives season 6 will be available on DVD on September 21!housewives

Click here to get into a catfight (or pigfight?) on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes – Joe@ToughPigs.com


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