CONTEST: Make a Meme, Win a Cookie Monster Book!

Published: March 28, 2018
Categories: Feature

DID YOU KNOW that Cookie Monster is soon to be a published author?  And DID YOU KNOW that he’s full of scholarly wisdom?  And DID YOU KNOW that cookies are delicious?

On April 10th, “The Joy of Cookies“, Cookie Monster’s philosophical book about finding meaning in baked goods, will be available to buy and taste (though as you can see, Cookie Monster already beat you to that punch).  And while we really, really want you all to pre-order the book now (who knows – with enough-pre-orders, maybe we can get Cookie Monster on the New York Times best-seller list!), a few of you lucky folks may get a copy for free.

The good folks at Macmillan Publishing has generously given us five copies to give away!  And all you have to do is meme-ify Cookie Monster.  Our five faves will win the book!

As an added bonus, 20 more of you will get a free recipe card signed by none other than Cookie Monster himself!  Just for taking a photo and adding a little text to it!  Man, you guys are so lucky.

So, what does that even mean?  Well, we want you to create a meme featuring Cookie Monster.  Because his new book is all about small servings of wisdom, we thought it appropriate that this contest include the 2018 equivalent.  Your meme can be a parody of an existing meme, a new meme you made up, funny or thoughtful, illustrated or Photoshopped, or whatever you want (as long as it’s original – no pre-existing memes, please!).  Get creative, be original, go nuts.

The only rule is that it must involve or invoke Cookie Monster or cookies in some way.

How about some examples?  Here’s one:

And here’s another:

Get the picture?  If you need help, it’s super easy to make a meme on the handy Meme Generator website.

To enter, just email your meme to, along with your name and mailing address (sorry, US-based addresses only!).  And that’s it!

Deadline for entries is Friday, April 6th!  Plenty of time to meme-ify your favorite cookie-eater.  Good luck, gang!

Click here to be the most interesting monster in the world on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes –


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Written by Joe Hennes

Co-owner and Editor-in-Chief.
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