Chilly Down with a New Labyrinth Coloring Book

Published: May 10, 2017
Categories: News

The Muppet coloring book (which we just reviewed!) has been out for a few days now, so by this point you’ve probably finished coloring the whole thing.  What’s a Henson fan with an insatiable desire to colorize printed black-and-white drawings to do?

I’ll tell you what to do: Get the upcoming Labyrinth adult coloring book!  As reported today by Nerdist, a new coloring book inspired by everyone’s favorite 1980s goblin-based musical-fantasy-Bowie-comedy will be released in October.  It’ll have 40 pictures across 96 pages, with art by Philip Murphy, Jorge Corona, and longtime Tough Pigs favorite Jay Fosgitt.  As long as the Worm gets his own page, we’ll be happy.

Check out the sample pages we’ve shamelessly stolen from Nerdist below:

Click here to say something about how this coloring book reminds you of the babe, on the Tough Pigs forum!

by Ryan Roe –

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