Jim Henson: The Pioneer

Published: January 10, 2011
Categories: News

ganzA new season of PBS’s series “Pioneers of Television” will be starting soon, and that guy Jim Henson is among the blokes to be honored with a spotlight.

The episodes are split up by theme, so there’s a section for westerns, one for science fiction, one for crime dramas, and one for kids’ TV. If you think about it, Jim belongs in all four categories, but in this case he’ll be representing kids’ TV along with people like Willard Scott, William Shatner, and Stan Freberg.

The episode will air on your local PBS station on Tuesday, February 8 at 8:00 EST, and in case you miss it, you’ll be able to buy it on DVD on the very same day! How’s that for service!

Of course, Jim’s being honored as a Pioneer of Television is no surprise to us, but it’s nice to see the network that gave him so much notoriety take notice of the genius they helped to cultivate.

Click here to imagine Jim Henson in a coonskin cap on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes – Joe@ToughPigs.com

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