Henson’s Happytime Murders Movie Now Has Melissa McCarthy

Published: May 3, 2017
Categories: News

It’s super hard to get a movie made these days, especially when the movie is about puppet homicide.  Maybe snagging the star of Bridesmaids and The Heat is the secret ingredient?

The Happytime Murders is a movie for grown-ups about a puppet detective and his human partner investigating the murders of cast members from a 1980s kids’ show.  The Jim Henson Company has been trying to get it off the ground since 2008, and every once in a while it’s resurfaced, with an announcement that there’s a new studio involved, or that Katherine Heigl might be in it, or that Jamie Foxx might be in it.  Brian Henson has always been attached as director, and it’s obvious he really, really, really wants to make this movie.

The latest development was announced in Variety yesterday: Melissa McCarthy will star in the movie, and she’s working on a revision of the script. McCarthy is quoted as saying, “When a really good script combines puppet strippers, Los Angeles’ underbelly, and comedy, it’s like my fever dream has finally come true.” That sounds like something she would say, right?

Like I say, we’ve heard these kinds of announcements before, but the Variety article also says “the film is set to begin production this August.”  That’s the most concrete detail we’ve ever heard, so maybe this is it for real.  Maybe?  Keep an eye on August to find out!

2012 concept art. I guess McCarthy would play the guy on the left?

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by Ryan Roe – Ryan@ToughPigs.com

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