Universal Sesame Bus

Published: January 22, 2010
Categories: News

Just don't think too much about the fact that you're pulling Grover's face apart.

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s the fact that DVDs of Sesame Street specials are great, but they just won’t fit in your USB drive.

Fortunately, ATP Electronics has a solution to a problem we never knew we had: Sesame Street Video USB. Coming soon to a USB drive emporium near you, these things are actual USB drives, six of which bear the adorable likenesses of Sesame characters, with the seventh being the familiar Sesame Street sign. Each one also contains a full-length Sesame special that you can watch just by sticking it into your computer. Man, technology is amazing.

More details can be found at the above-linked official site, or at Muppet Wiki. No word yet on how much storage space will be on each one, or when exactly we’ll be able to buy them. I think I’m most likely to get the Ernie one… What about you?

Click here to stick that in your USB drive and smoke it on the Tough Pigs forum!

by Ryan Roe – ToughPigsRyan@yahoo.com

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