Which Muppet Aren’t You?

Published: June 15, 2004
Categories: Fun Stuff

Hey everybody! It’s another one of those super fun Which Thing Are You quizzes! Except this one is about the Muppets!

Answer all the questions below, then click on the SUBMIT button to get your results! Ready? Okay! Go!


1. When you go shopping, what are you most likely to buy?

A. Cookies!

B. Pigeons!

C. Something with a lot of packaging to throw in the trash!

D. A goldfish!

E. Whatever Grover would buy!

2. When you meet someone new, you say…

A. Gimme cookies!

B. I have a paper clip collection.

C. Scram!

D. Elmo loves you!

E. My pirate squirrel name is Mad Davey Nut-Fuzz!

3. What is the secret to a happy life?

A. Eating cookies!

B. Are we still taking this stupid quiz?

C. Let’s ask a baby!

D. No, seriously. Are we still taking this stupid quiz?

E. And by “we” I mean you.

4. You’re taking this quiz right now because:

A. Me want cookies!

B. There’s nothing else to do on the whole entire internet.

C. I can’t wait to post the results on my blog.

D. I’ve taken 86 quizzes so far, and I see no reason to stop now.

E. Horoscopes are too complicated.

Once you’ve answered the questions, click here for your results!



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Written by Danny Horn

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