RIP Sesame Street Composer Adam Schlesinger

Published: April 2, 2020
Categories: News

The world lost a great songwriter and producer yesterday. As reported by Variety and other outlets, Adam Schlesinger died at the age of 52 due to coronavirus complications.

Schlesinger was perhaps best known as a founding member, bassist, and songwriter for the band Fountains of Wayne, but he also made massive contributions to television and movies. He co-wrote and produced the original songs for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, and wrote the incredibly catchy title song from the movie That Thing You Do!

It’s not surprising that a guy with such a knack for writing songs of any genre would end up doing some work for Sesame Street. Among other things, Schlesinger wrote the music for “There’s an App for That”:

And “Eight is Great”:

And one of the most beautiful Sesame Street songs of the modern era, Ernie’s ode to curiosity and reflection, “I Wonder”:

As if that wasn’t enough, he also wrote the song “Dream House,” which the Muppets performed on an episode of Disney Channel’s Good Luck, Charlie:

I always hoped we’d see Schlesinger write more songs for the Muppets. His passing is a huge loss for all the fans of the many, many projects he worked on.

Click here to remember Adam Schlesinger on the Tough Pigs forum.

by Ryan Roe –


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