Flashback to mid-July, and you might remember being horribly disappointed that we had a ToughPigs Outing scheduled in New York City (no, that’s not the disappointing part) which was canceled due to the weather (yes, there’s the rub). The kick in the pants was that we ended up having a beautiful, clear day, which convinced me to shake many a fist at our local weathermen for steering me wrong.
Thankfully, there is still lots of summer left, and we have finally narrowed down a weekend for our newly rescheduled ToughPigs Outing. Join us on Governors Island on Saturday, September 5th for fun in the sun (or in the shade of a tree), along with some exciting mingling with your fellow Muppet fans. We will be meeting at 10:30am in the lobby of the Governors Island ferry, which is located directly to the left of the Staten Island Ferry in the southern tip of Manhattan (near the 4/5, R/W, and 1 trains). Ferries leave every hour on the hour, so the bulk of us will be on the 11:00 boat. (If you’re late, don’t worry about it. Just meet us at the rendezvous whenever you can make it.) The ferry is free, and the ride is only about 5 minutes long. Just long enough to get a whiff of the East River.
Don’t know what we look like? Keep an eye out for a small group of folks, some of whom will be wearing Muppet shirts. Still not sure? Try asking random strangers if they’re a ToughPig and see what kind of reaction you get!
Once on the island, we’ll head straight to the Parade Ground (#2 on the map below), which is a large empty field with four trees in the middle. We’ll make the trees our home base for any latecomers.
Once we’ve settled, we’ll eat some lunch (feel free to bring your own, or if you’re feeling generous, bring something Muppety to share, like “Swedish Chef” meatballs, Munchos chips, or French Fried Frog’s Legs), toss around the frisbee, fly some kites, play with puppets, and whatever else it is that people do in the outdoors. We encourage you to bring your own toys, puppets, cameras, or whatever else you can think of. To keep things relevant, we’ll hold some Muppet trivia games, complete with prizes!
Sadly, Judy Collins will be unable to attend.
Even if you just want to stop by and say hi for a little and then ditch us, there’s plenty to do on Governors Island. There’s lot of pathways for exploring, bike rentals, kayaking, mini-golf, historical tours, and much more.
If you’re in the New York area and are thinking about coming, drop by the ToughPigs forum or send me an e-mail. I’ll send out an e-mail reminder as it gets a little closer to the 5th, and I’ll keep you informed in case there are any weather issues. General questions (and answers) will be posted on the forum.
If the unthinkable happens and bad weather is headed our way for Saturday the 5th, we will reschedule the Outing for Sunday the 6th. Again, I’ll let you all know if we need to pull out that Plan B via e-mail and the ToughPigs forum.
And feel free to invite your non-fanatic friends too! The more the merrier! But if they start spreading those nasty “Vegetable Monster” rumors, we’re voting them off the island.
This event should be a blast! I’m looking forward to meeting a lot of our readers, and I hope you’re not sorely disillusioned after meeting the faces behind ToughPigs.
Click here to chat about this upcoming event on the ToughPigs forum!